Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia approved!

We are glad to inform you that the European Commission has formally approved the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia for the programme period 2014-2020 (CP Interreg SI-HR).

The approval concludes a process of programme preparation that has spanned over 2 years. Regional and national stakeholders and the interested public in both partner countries as well as the responsible programme bodies and external experts have contributed to the development of the content of the new Cooperation Programme.

The Project Partners will, together with their cross-border partners, have the opportunity to “open borders” through seeking new developmental opportunities beyond the borders and through the creation of developmental solutions in the frame of the entire programme area in Slovenia and Croatia.

The Open Call and the application pack will be published in December 2015, when the kick-off event of the programme is also foreseen.

For more information about the CP Interreg SI-HR 2014-2020, have a look at the approved CP.

CP Interreg V-A SI-HR (1.6M)

Revised Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020 submitted to the EC

On 31 July 2015 the revised Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia was submitted to the European Commission (EC). The approval of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia by the EC is expected at the end of September. The Open Call is expected to be launched at the end of the year 2015. All further information will be available on our website in due time.


Srečanje o možnostih in priložnostih, ki jih prinaša program Interreg V-A Slovenija-Hrvaška

Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Nova Gorica in Agencija za ruralni razvoj Istre AZRRI v sodelovanju s Službo Vlade republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko, Istarsko županijo in Občino Pivka je organiziralo 1.7.2015 v Parku vojaške zgodovine srečanje o možnostih in priložnostih, ki jih za podeželska območja čezmejnega prostora prinaša program Interreg V-A Slovenija-Hrvaška 2014-2020. Na osnovi izkušenj čezmejnih projektov APRO in ZOOB so bila predstavljena razmišljanja za skupno delo v 2014 – 2020. V novem obdobju se bo nadaljevalo ”odpiranje mej” na področjih zmanjšanja poplavne ogroženosti, ohranjanja in trajnostne rabe naravne (op. več kot 60 odstotkov obmejnega območja je v Naturi 2000) in kulturne dediščine in sodelovanja javnih služb za zagotovitev kvalitetnega dostopa do javnih storitev prebivalcem obmejnega območja. Izbrana področja sledijo ciljem, ki jih brez sodelovanja med partnerji na obeh straneh mej ne bi bilo mogoče doseči.

Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020 submitted to the European Commission

On 31 March, the Cooperational Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020 was submitted to the European Commission (EC) for approval. The decision or possible comments/remarks by the EC are expected within the next 3 months. All further information will be available on our website in due time.

CP Interreg V-A SI-HR 2014 – 2020

First contract for co-financing of the project from the reserve list within the 3rd CfP

On the 15th April 2015 the first contract for co-financing of the project “ZAŠČITA IN REŠEVANJE” was signed in Ljubljana. The project will be, together with the additional 10 projects from the reserve list, co-financed within the 3rd Call for Proposals of the EU Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 which include the activities in the field of tourism and rural development, development of entrepreneurship, social integration, environmental protection and preservation of protected areas.

Public Consultation Report; Cooperation Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2014 – 2020

Report on the public consultations on the draft of cooperation program Interreg V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014 – 2020. Here you can download a list of all received opinions on the draft of the program as well as comments.

Annex 3_Summary table of all received comments with answers

Joint Technical Secretariat office hours

We would like to inform you that the Joint Technical Secretariat established regular office hours. Office hours will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:30 and 12:30. At the aforementioned days and hours the Joint Technical Secretariat will respond to telephone calls and to incoming e-mails.


We would like to inform you that due to change of office in the next few days you might have some problems with contacting the contract managers of OP Slovenia – Croatia 2007-2013. Thank you for your understanding. JTS OP Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013

Public discussion regarding draft cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia – Croatia 2014-2020

Slovenia and Croatia are drawing up a Cross-border cooperation programme Interreg V-A Slovenia– Croatia for the 2014-2020 programme period. The contents of the cooperation programme is defined by relevant European regulations and strategies, considering national requirements of both countries covering the cross-border programme area and now we would like to invite interested public to join the discussion. We would like to invite you to help draw up the cooperation programme in such a manner that it will consider the needs of its target groups as fully as possible and thus contributing to improving opportunities for work and growth as well as the quality of life on both sides of the border. Your views on the draft Cooperation programme can be submitted via the enclosed e-form and sent to (contact person: Gordana Stanišić) by March 13, 2015. Viewpoints received shall be, where appropriate, taken into consideration in preparing the final version of the Cooperation programme.

E-form – public discussion
Draft cooperation programme Slovenia – Croatia 2014-2020


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