News and events related to the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Slovenia-Croatia.

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The eMS is a monitoring system with communication portal to support submission, approval, management and administration of the projects and the Programme.

On this website you can find all important information on Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia – Croatia. For co-financing cross-border projects in the period 2014-2020 46,114,193.00 EUR is assigned from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Latest News

European Cooperation Day ‘’Youth for Cooperation – Experiencing the Mysteries of Water’’

Slovenia’s Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy teamed up with the Croatian programme partner Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds and EU-supported project MISTERION to organise an event...

Interreg Programme Slovenia – Croatia accepted

We would like to inform you that the European Commission has approved the Interreg Program Slovenija – Hrvaška 2021-2027 with the Commission decision as of 11 August 2022. The program...

Public consultation SEA in the frame of the preparation of the Interreg programme 2021-2027

The preparation of the new Interreg programme Slovenia - Croatia 2021-2027 is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to identify potential negative impacts created by the programme on the environment at an early stage. The draft Environmental Report has been...

Draft Interreg Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027 officially submitted to the European Commission

An important milestone has been achieved in the preparation of the new Interreg Programme Slovenia - Croatia 2021-2027. The Programming Task Force approved the final draft of the Interreg Programme (IP) Slovenia - Croatia for the programming period 2021-2027 in the last week of March 2022...

Project News

This section will be used for publishing the latest news on approved projects, project activities and results!

Walk, Art & Wine in Učka & Veprinac

Učka and Veprinac on May 1st will become a meeting place of active vacation, recreation, a beautiful nature and the traditional celebration of Labour Day, together with authentic products and cultural programms. Walk, Art & Wine in Učka & Veprinac...