We will continue to support cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia in the programming period 2021-2027.
The Programme will be managed by the GODC as the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat; the two bodies will work closely together with the representatives of both countries.
In May 2018, the European Commission put forward a package of proposals for regulations governing regional development and Cohesion Policy beyond 2020. The negotiations, which took three years, were finalized with an agreement reached on 24 June 2021, which was followed by the adoption and publication of the Cohesion Policy legislative package 2021-2027.
The Monitoring Committee of the Cooperation Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2014-2020 established the Programming Task Force (PTF) which started its work in September 2019. The role of PTF, which is composed of members from both partner countries, is to steer the overall programming process as well as to formally decide on the content of the future programme and on the selection of thematic priorities. Representatives of the European Commission, the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat participate in PTF in the capacity of observer but have no substantive role in the decision-making process.
A group of external experts that support the programming process conducted a territorial and socio-economic analysis of the programme area and drew up a report outlining the findings of the analysis. PTF approved the report in January 2022.
The territorial and socio-economic analysis and numerous discussions held within the scope of PTF serve as the basis for the formulation of initial strategic orientations. The discussion on the selection of specific objectives of the future Interreg Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2021-2027 builds on the proposed strategic orientations.
Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is carried out in parallel to the preparation of the Programme to identify any potential adverse effects of the future Programme on the environment.
An important milestone has been achieved in the preparation of the new Interreg Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2021-2027. The Programming Task Force approved the final draft of the Interreg Programme (IP) Slovenia-Croatia for the programming period 2021-2027 in the last week of March 2022, which was followed by the signing of the Partnership Agreement by the heads of the relevant ministries on behalf of Slovenia and Croatia.
The final draft Interreg Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2021-2027 was officially submitted to the European Commission for approval on 31 March 2022. The European Commission will make observations to the document within three months of the date of its submission. The draft programme will be fine-tuned taking into due account the observations made in order to be approved at the latest within five months of the date of its submission to the European Commission. The new programme is thus expected to be formally approved at the start of autumn 2022.
In the meantime, the relevant authorities will prepare the call for proposals and the relevant legal bases governing the implementation of projects (guide for the beneficiaries on project implementation). Support will be given to the projects that will best help realize the vision of the new Interreg Programme Slovenia-Croatia and that will contribute to a well-preserved, resilient and connected border region where sustainable development is recognized as the driver of economic activity, safety and security, biodiversity protection and social prosperity.
Following the adoption of the multiannual financial framework for the period 2021-2027, the European Commission presented the Cohesion Policy legislative framework 2021-2027 on 24 June 2021.
The eleven thematic objectives, implemented in the programming period 2014-2020 to achieve thematic concentration, have been replaced with five policy objectives which include fewer and shorter specific objectives and drive EU investments in 2021-2027:
- a more competitive and smarter Europe by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation and regional ICT connectivity (Policy Objective 1);
- a greener, low-carbon transition towards a net-zero carbon economy and resilient Europe, green and blue investment, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk prevention and management, and sustainable urban mobility (Policy Objective 2);
- a more connected Europe by enhancing mobility (Policy objective 3);
- a more social and inclusive Europe by implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights (Policy Objective 4);
- a Europe closer to citizens by fostering the sustainable and integrated development of all types of territories and local initiatives (Policy Objective 5).
The Interreg Regulation provides for two additional Interreg-specific objectives covering European Territorial Cooperation programmes:
- a better cooperation governance;
- a safer and more secure Europe.
The following policy objectives and specific objectives were selected and adopted at the 7th Programming Task Force meeting held in October 2021 to efficiently address the challenges identified in the programme area:
Cross-border cooperation aims to address the common challenges identified in the border area and exploit the hidden potential for growth and development while improving the cooperation process for the harmonious development of the European Union.
The Interreg Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027 is the main document that sets the framework for the cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia in the financial perspective 2021 to 2027. It is an important strategic document that is shaped by key stakeholders, beneficiaries, and experts.
In the process of drafting the new Interreg Programme, a group of experts prepared the Territorial and Socio-Economic Analysis as well as the Orientation Paper on Strategic Thematic Directions. In January 2022, the draft Interreg Program Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027 and Methodological paper were prepared on the basis of these documents.
We would like to invite all interested stakeholders and citizens to express their opinions and comments which may improve the final version of the Programme.
The main purpose of the consulting process through the involvement of participants is to inform about the developed Programme and gather information about interests, ideas and expert opinions in order to create space for innovative solutions and to eliminate possible shortcomings in a timely manner.
The online form for the submission of your opinions and comments is available via the following links:
- Comment form in Slovenian –
- Comment form in Croatian –
- Comment form in English –
You can submit your comments until 28 February 2022.
Please share the information on the public consultation with all interested stakeholders, experts and potential applicants.
Join us at the upcoming online workshops:
– on Tuesday, the 15th of February, 2022, from 9.00 to 11.00 in Slovenian language – applications via the following link:
– on Wednesday, the 16th of February, 2022, from 9.00 to 11.00 in Croatian language – applications via the following link:
You will receive the link for the online presentation on your e-mail address no later than the day before the workshop.
The aim of the online workshop is:
– to inform the general public about the guidelines and goals of the Interreg Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027;
– to present and discuss selected measures and reasons for choosing the specific objectives,
– to invite and motivate stakeholders to send their ideas, expert opinions and proposals for improving the draft Interreg programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027.
Please share information about the workshop with other interested stakeholders, experts and potential applicants. Participation is open to as many people as possible!
We would like to thank all stakeholders and citizens for expressing their opinions and comments and contributing to the final draft of the cross-border program.
In the document you can see your proposed changes with explanations on how were the proposals treated.
Public consultation SEA in the frame of the preparation of the Interreg programme 2021-2027
The preparation of the new Interreg programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027 is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to identify potential negative impacts created by the programme on the environment at an early stage. The draft Environmental Report has been prepared and presents the interim results of the assessment of environmental effects.
The SEA process includes as a key element the consultation of the public for any comments on the assessments made. We therefore kindly ask you to share with us your comments and observations based on the provided draft Environmental Report. The comments given will be taken into account when preparing the final version of the report and subsequently in the preparation process of the Interreg programme.
You can provide your comments and observations to relevant chapters either in English, Croatian or Slovene language. Thank you for your time and cooperation.
Now that the draft Environmental Report concerning the draft Interreg Programme Slovenia – Croatia 2021-2027 has been prepared, we invite all interested stakeholders and citizens who would like to express their opinion to do so via the online form available at this link ON-LINE FORM.
You can submit your comment until 11 August 2022.
Please help us to disseminate the information about the public consultation on the draft Environmental Report by sharing it with all potentially interested parties.
Participate in shaping the future programme!
1st Meeting of Monitoring Committee
Date: | 15. 12. 2022 |
2nd Meeting of Monitoring Committee
Relevant regulations (adopted in June 2021):
– Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 on specific provisions for the European territorial cooperation goal (Interreg) supported by the European Regional Development Fund and external financing instruments
Commission Implementing Decisions (January 2022):