Project summary

Specific cross-border objectives were: increase the interest for learning Croatian/Slovenian language in order to advance the quality of the day-to-day business communication in the cross-border region; improve the exchange of cultural programs that use written and spoken forms of both languages; to develop a cross-border exchange of literature in order to improve awareness of our common cultural heritage. Specific cross-border objectives of the project were also realized by applying the following horizontal EU themes: human resource development through the process of educating the course attendants, raising their knowledge of the environment, of gender equality and sustainable development through themes in educational literature and childrens’ workshops. Also, the implementation of information technologies in educational purposes, the development of tolerance and understanding through the exchange of cultural programs. Target group of the project were 80 attendees of language courses dealing in entrepreunership, culture, science and NGO and 90 children. Final beneficiaries were inhabitants of project area. They used prepared language educational materials, established educational models and cultural participation. Added value of IPA funding is demonstrated in: realization of 10 joined cultural events, crossborder co-operation of two public institutions, 80 people attenders of language courses and texts set, rooted or connected with the project area on Slovenian and Croatian language. Partially sighted persons will also have opportunity to learn foreign language by using adapted educational materials and have more chances for employment. Invested funds will enhance conditions for raising tolerance, understanding, joined crossborder activities, transfer and conprehension of culture. Outputs of the project were: education materials for basic and bussines Croatian/Slovenian language course, printed materials (80 for attenders and 120 for libraries, with the print adjusted to partially sighted persons also), language courses for 80 persons, workshops for 90 children, a set of conference proceedings (two international conferences), promotional leaflets and posters, web-site of the project, promotional materials (caps, T-shirts, pens), digital versions of texts set, rooted or connected with the project area and agreement about cross-border exchange of books. Educational materials and workshops covered the following areas: equal opportunities, tolerance and environment protection.

Project title Words (SI) and Words (CRO)
ERDF funds 81.591,19 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

Lead partner Library “Ivan Goran Kovačić,”, Karlovac
Partners Library “Miran Jarc”, Novo mesto
Regions involved SI: Southeastern Slovenia

CRO: Karlovačka County

Website /
Key words Communication, education, multiculturalism

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

4 courses.

2 international conferences.

4 thematic exhibitions.

6 workshops for children.