Project summary

General cross-border objectives of the project were: increasing and improving the use of low-quality wood for energy purposes; increasing economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of SMEs, which contribute to the promotion of cross-border business cooperation in the sector of the use of biomass; with the creation of new jobs, social cohesion and by reducing emigration from rural areas to contribute to the local community; improving energy security, independence, and self-sufficiency of the local population by increasing the use of biomass. Specific cross-border objectives were: specific technical and professional support to 12 selected local communities in Slovenia and Croatia for the establishment of production chains; preparing business documentation for the 4 examples of heating of public buildings; professional and technical support to business initiatives of local communities; detailed analysis of the potential of wood used for energy purposes on both sides of the border; detailed analysis of the existing production chains and current use of wood biomass; the establishment of production chains for supply and use of wood biomass; a feasibility study of biomass in logistics centers and energy contracting in selected communities; increasing awareness, knowledge and education of private forest owners and entrepreneurs about the possibilities of use for forest biomass, with special emphasis on modern and efficient technologies and models on the market and mechanisms established in developed EU member states; development of markets for trading with forest biomass and biomass of fast-growing plantations across the border.

Project title Wood biomass for regional development
ERDF funds 196,397.94 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

18.12.2013 – 17.08.2015
Lead partner Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije
Partners Lokalna energetska agencija Dolenjska – Posavje –Bela krajina

Lokalna energetska agencija Spodnje Podravje

Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije, Kmetijsko gozdarski zavod Maribor

Regionalna energetska agencija sjevernozapadne Hrvatske

Hrvatske šume d.o.o.

Regions involved SI: Osrednjeslovenska regija, Posavska regija, Podravska regija

CRO: Grad Zagreb, Zagrebačka županija

Website SI:


Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

2 analysis of the potential of wood biomass;

2 analysis of the production chains;

2 register public buildings suitable for crossing to the heating on wood biomass;

2 socio-economic and environmental impacts of the use of wood biomass;

12 examples of good practice.