Project summary

Specific cross-border objectives of the project were: to provide the inhabitants of the Slovenian-Croatian border areas, especially the most vulnerable groups and members of minority groups with a greater access, and better related forms of volunteering, and generally raise the quality of life; to provide accessible, more professional, coordinated, targeted and personalized customer support in carrying out volunteering work; to increase the education of volunteers; to improve the legislation at the national level in the field of volunteerism; to provide innovative promotion of volunteerism in the Slovenian-Croatian border region; to raise awareness of the users about the value and importance of volunteering; to create a network of voluntary organizations in the Slovenian-Croatian border area; and to create long-term solid structures of volunteer movement. A system of voluntary work on both sides of the border was established with the help of web portal – stock exchange of volunteerism, volunteer office and volunteer library, remained active and in use after completion of the project. Portal, offices and libraries are maintained after the project, with the help of local budgets and / or funds from new domestic and European tenders. By raising the public awareness we have established and built the foundation for volunteering in the wider local and social environment. Participants in individual activities have thus gained valuable experience (informal training), which will increase their opportunities in the labor market.

Project title City volounteers
ERDF funds 522,491.69 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

1.4.2011 – 31.3.2013
Lead partner Mestna občina Maribor
Partners Grad Varaždin

Univerza v Mariboru

Zavod Antona-Martina Slomška

Slovenska filantropija, Združenje za promocijo prostovoljstva

Udruga za zaštitu i unapređenje čovjekovog okoliša “Franjo Košćec”

Autonomni centar -ACT

Regions involved SI: Podravska regija

CRO: Varaždinska županija, Međimurska županija

Website SI:


Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

2 regional volunteer offices and a library;

1 strategy on the development of volunteering;

1 declaration on the development of volunteering in Slovenia and Croatia;

1 arrangement on cooperation in the area of development of volunteering for a longer period of time;

2 newly developed forms of volunteering and training (volunteering at major events, volunteering by retired educational staff).