Project summary

General cross-border objective of the project was to decrease the drug abuse in accordance with the European preventative strategy, and in accordance with the action plan, which puts additional stress onto the global cooperation, research and evaluation, directly enable: cross-border, long-term partnership at university, professional, scientific, research, and public health non-governmental levels to tackle drug use and social reintegration of users; sharing of resources and capacities of scientific, research and public-health institutions. Specific cross-border objectives of the project were: To research, specify and describe the needs of addicts in the rehabilitation program; the rehabilitation and social reintegration of addicts in the cross-border area; the development of the suggested guidelines for the improvement of the system of treatment, rehabilitation and social integration of addicts; improving the system of monitoring and epidemiologic evaluation, status control and trends of abuse, with the introduction of a new highly specific method of determination of drug metabolites in wastewater; improving the diagnostic process, treatment and consummation surveillance, with the introduction of highly specific determination of drug metabolites in urine; allowing the non-institutionalized and post-treatment within the centre for re-socializing, after the release of addicts from the therapeutic communities; allowing non-institutionalized help, advising and guidance, solving the economic, educational and residual problems of addicts.

Project title

A comprehensive approach to therapy, and social and economic reintegration of drug users

ERDF funds 517,434.23 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

15.7.2015 – 30.6.2016
Lead partner Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in inf. Tehnologije (UP FAMNIT)
Partners Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci (MEDRI)

Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje (NIJZ)

Nastavni Zavod za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije (NZJZ-PGŽ)

Društvo za pomoč odvisnikom in njihovim družinam SVIT Koper (SVIT)

Udruga za pomoć ovisnicima »Vida« Rijeka (VIDA)

Regions involved SI:Obalno-kraška regija, Osrednjeslovenska regija

HR: Primorsko-goranska županija

Website SI:


Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 joint cross-border doctoral program in public health;

2 bilingual professional publications;

3 new diagnostic methods for the evaluation of potential involvement in treatment programs;

1 new re-socialisation centre.