Project acronym: DETOX (772.181,21 EUR ERDF)

Lead Partner: Občina Lenart

Project Partners: Gradski muzej Varaždin, Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Općina Vinica, Občina Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih goricah, Općina Donja Voća, Občina Sveta Ana

Associated Partners: Javni Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo kulturne dediščine, Turistička zajednica Varaždinske županije (TZ)

The offer in the rural area of the programme is not connected; it is average, and boring for today’s demanding visitor. JOINT CHALLENGES, addressed by the project: connect the dispersed offer and »DETOXify« people, overburdened with stress. The project will teach about the cultural heritage in a fun and »DETOXicating« way. GENERAL PROJECT OBJECTIVE is to actively preserve ethnological heritage of rural areas and include it in the CB sustainable tourism package. EXPECTED CHANGE is a connected and attractive offer – revival of ethno tourism with increase of cultural heritage visitors by 8,000 visits. MAIN OUTPUTS: DETOX PACKAGE, that will combine 4 types of life of our ancestors: modern technology (3D holographic virtual live demonstrations of life – as “3D adventure room”), e-library (preserved old books), ethno outdoor cinema (old SI-HR films) and 6 renovated cultural heritage objects for implementation of DETOX workshops in a real environment (practical demonstrations of life the way it used to be). JOINT CB APPLICATION will unite data on heritage, tourism offer, SMEs, etc. in one place (data, available at present, is very sparse, not connected and scattered through different web pages). It will also enable a virtual tour of traditional farms. Outputs will be USED by inhabitants (more employment opportunities), tourists (attractive and diverse offer), owners of heritage objects and SMEs (included in the supply and joint application), partners (better visibility and connectedness). PLANNED APPROACH is directed at DEVELOPMENT OF HERITAGE CONSERVATION. A mere local or national approach would not connect the offer, a CB COOPERATION is therefore necessary. Joint promotion of DETOX package will enable synergy effects on the development of the CB area and its economy. The project is INNOVATIVE as it will introduce a completely new 3D holographic concept of showing life in traditional homes. We will arrange the FIRST 3D EXPERIENTIAL ETHNO HOUSE in the programme area.