Project acronym: ENRAS (440.300,00 EUR ERDF)
Lead Partner: Institut “Jožef Stefan”
Project Partners: Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada, Gasilska zveza Slovenije
The ENRAS (ENsuring RAdiation Safety) project will develop CB services in the area of safety (civil protection) in the event of a nuclear or radiological accident. The common challenge of the PA, beeing addressed in the project, is ensuring adequately coordinated and safe joint interventions in the event of such accidents. The overall goal is the strengthening of CBC between entities operating in the area of safety in order to ensure more effective rescue and intervention in the event of such accidents, and to improve their capabilities and knowledge and establish a first system for safe joint interventions in the CB region. The project’s main direct effects are intervention units with improved skills and competences, and a CB intervention structure in the event of such accidents.The direct beneficiaries of activities will be the units that by law are responsible for rescue in the event of such accidents (firefighers, police, medical staff,etc.), while the entire population will benefit indirectly. The planned approach of the project is directed towards ensuring proper trainig of intervention teams and establishing CB links between them and the administrative bodies responsible for such accidents, to increase the level of safety of the entire CB population and that of the wider region, which is also an earthquake zone.The CB effect of such accidents dictates the need for CB cooperation. The coordination, joint preparedness and field-readiness of SI and HR rescue teams are matters of particular importance. The unified and coordinated functioning of intervention teams and common tools (uniform guidelines and protocols, and the development of skills and competences for increased safety) represent an innovative approach that will be useful over the long term for joint preparedness in such circumstances. The inclusion of associated partners will provide the project with strategic guidance leading to a sustainable CB intervention structure in the event of such accidents.