Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the project were: fostering an entrepreneurial mindset of youth in the cross-border area; and strengthening economic knowledge and business skills of entrepreneurs. Introduction of young people, potential and existing entrepreneurs, enabled creating new contacts and new experiences, and opening new business opportunities, that can lead to business cooperation and fostering of new entrepreneurial ideas. Outputs of the project were: a concept for a computer game; software for a bilingual computer game – virtual company; 8 entrepreneurial workshops; 16 group business plans; report on managing virtual companies, with possible changes to the game, created by the target groups; 2 study tours; 6 business planning workshops; 20 individual business plans; 4 press conferences workshops; bilingual project web site with web application for business plan; manual for business start-ups; project logo.

Project title Strengthening youth entrepreneurship capacities
ERDF funds 185.624,81 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

01.03.2014 – 17.06.2015
Lead partner Grad Rijeka
Partners Regionalna razvojna agencija „Porin“ d.o.o. (Riječka razvojna agencija „Porin“ d.o.o.)

Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci

Šolski center Ptuj

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra Ptuj

Regions involved

SI: Podravska regija

CRO: Primorsko-goranska županija

Website SI:


Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 computer game for learning about entrepreneurship;

1 application for a creation of local business plan;

14 workshops for entrepreneurship learning.