Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the project were: to connect the professional public and interested audiences on both sides of the border and to improve innovation and creativity in media of different business ideas in Slovenia and Croatia; to encourage the flow of new business ideas and provide conditions for the creation of business networks based on joint development of marketable products and services; to ensure continuous support for the creative use of local resources in developing of new business ideas; to train staff to carry out support services and a network of consultants for new forms of entrepreneurship; to increase the skills, work skills and employability of people from vulnerable social groups in the development of promising activities related to creative industries; to enhance public awareness on various socially relevant aspects of business development and employment of people from vulnerable social groups. All project-based organizations are engaged in the innovative use of available local resources and creating new jobs through the development of a supportive environment for new forms of entrepreneurship. Thus the Society MOSAIC develops innovative solutions for employment in the areas of organic farming, landscape care, green energy and eco-tourism. The operation of the Varaždin County Technology Park Varaždin is focused on ensuring the conditions for entrepreneurial projects. In this context, it also set up a “center of creative industries”, which connects innovative individuals in the joint development of new business opportunities. Similarly, in Maribor, the project ECOC 2012 produced “The Centre for alternative and autonomous production,” which establishes a platform for integration and development of alternative ways of meeting the needs of the community. All these are individual examples of good practice, which will connect the project and build and create conditions for their expansion and efficient transfer to other areas.

Project title

Promoting new forms of entrepreneurship by strengthening the innovative use of local resources

ERDF funds 297,232.92 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)


Lead partner

MOZAIK – društvo za socialno vključenost


Združenje Center alternativne in avtonomne produkcije (Združenje CAAP)

Inštituta za razvojne in strateške analize –IRSA

Tehnološki Park Varaždin

Agencije za razvoj Varaždinske županije – AZRA d.o.o

Regions involved

SI: Pomurska regija, Podravska regija, Osrednjeslovenska regija

HR: Varaždinska županija



Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 book about the status and the perspectives of the social entrepreneurship in Slovenia and Croatia;

1 manual for the shared solution of residential problems;

1 web page;

20 individual consultancies about the formation of the suggested projects or innovative companies;

6 suggestions for the social-entrepreneurial projects;

1 chosen project: the production of ecologic candles, with the goal of creating workplaces for people with mental disabilities.