Project summary

Specific cross-border objectives of the operation were: the encouragement of entrepreneurship culture, the foundation of new companies in the cross-border area and transfer of knowledge from academic sphere to economy. Besides that, the new services were developed by the project partners, to improve the services of university incubators, technology parks and development agencies, for the purpose of implementing their mission. Concrete tasks and activities for the achievement of the objectives were divided into 6 work packages. Work package number 1: Administration and management of the operation; Work package number 2: Program for establishment of new companies: identification, support and promotion of the best new established companies in the cross-border area; Work package number 3: A program for existing small and medium companies: construction of a web environment for matchmaking between R&D units and SME; Work package number 4: Innovation school – I. school: education for growth and development of SME; Work package number 5: Development activities of partners: bench learning and implementation of pilot actions; Work package number 6: Information about the whole operation. The project includes 4 main sets of activities to reach the mentioned objectives. The first set of activities is designed to promote entrepreneur culture and encourage the foundation of new knowledge based companies. Second set aims to establish an overview of R&D institution competences to encourage the collaboration of SME and other enterprises with R&D institutions. This third set of activities includes common planning ad common cross-border integration of new methodology of collaboration, between academic world and the economy, the so called innovation school – The last set of activities is intended to develop new services for project partners to improve cross-border entrepreneur supportive environment.

Project title

Crossboarder Integration of Knowledge, Competences and Innovation

ERDF funds 677,570.06 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)


Lead partner

UIP Univerzitetni razvojni center in incubator Primorske d.o.o.


IRP Inštitut za raziskovanje podjetništva

Tehnološki park Ljubljana d.o.o.

Pomurski tehnološki park d.o.o.

Istarska razvojna agencija (IDA) d.o.o.

Centar za politiku razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća i poduzetništva – CEPOR

Regionalna razvojna agencija Međimurje – REDEA

Tehnološki park Varaždin

Regions involved

SI: Pomurska regija, Podravska regija, Obalno – kraška regija, Osrednjeslovenska regija

HR: Istarska županija, Varaždinska županija, Grad Zagreb



Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

83 business plans;

1 online catalogue of R&D institutions;

14 new start-ups.