Project summary

Specific cross-border objective of the project was the integration of Istrian Malvasia wine into a common cross-border tourism product named “Following the trails of Istrian Malvasia”, with the aim to contribute to the already initiated promotion strategies of Istria as a common cross-border tourist destination. The project contributed to the economic and social development, as well as to the development of tourism and the rural area of Istria, because it implied and supported the exploitation of its natural resources through the development of the new common integrated products and services, as well as their shared marketing and promotion, and it has encouraged the sustainable development of (rural) tourism based on the identity of the cross-border region of Istria. Outputs of the project were: 5 analyses (analysis of physio-chemical and sensory characteristics of Istrian Malvasia wines, analysis of the effect of the consumption of Istrian Malvasia wine on human health, analysis of possible negative effects of viticulture-oenological production on the environment and human health, analysis of the current tourist offer in Croatian and Slovenian Istria, analysis of the examples of good practice of wine routes in relevant EU member states); clear guidelines for the processing and production of different types of Istrian Malvasia wine, as well as for the optimization of technology; a tourist package with 4 itineraries; 4 professional seminars; 5 workshops; 4 scientific-expert meetings and 2 international fairs; 2 round tables; logo of the project; a common brochure; trilingual leaflets; a common study in electronic form; web site of the project with a database; 2 promotional tours on wine routes on both sides of the border; promotional film; 3 manifestations; 2 visits to the examples of good practice; a common marketing strategy of Istrian Malvasia wine.

Project title Paths of Istrian Malvasia
ERDF funds 393,073.14 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

15.01.2014 – 17.06.2015
Lead partner Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam
Partners Kmetijški inštitut Slovenije

Fakulteta za turističke študije – Turistica

Udruga vinogradara i vinara – Vinistra

Društvo Vinogradnikov Slovenske Istre

Konzorcij Vin Istre

Regions involved SI: Osrednje-slovenska regija, Obalno-kraška regija

CRO: Istarska županija

Website SI:



Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 web site with included interactive map;

Tourism product with 4 wine itineraries;

1 common marketing strategy of Istrian Malvasia wine.