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Project summary

General cross-border objectives of the project MARATON were: the establishment and promotion of support services – a meeting place for companies, researchers and students in the form of on-line stock market of research students’ assignments; fostering economic growth and competitiveness of the economy; connecting enterprises, students and researchers from higher education sector to work on joint research projects; create bilingual tools to support enterprises (especially SMEs) in order to increase the competitive advantage and promote the development of innovative products, services and technologies; strengthening cooperation between enterprises and educational, research and development organizations, for the improvement of the business innovativeness and technology. Cross-border impact is reflected in the economic growth and social development of the border area, with the focus on SMEs, which provide additional jobs and reduce the “brain drain”. Cross-border cooperation is important for the project, because it leads to added value for enterprises and students through enhanced cross-border cooperation, and thereby reduces the isolation of peripheral regions. The project has also led to new ICT infrastructure, which serves as a source of information and as a communication channel / channel of exchange of ideas and human resources that are capable of innovation. The project offered a common training, because it established a unique methodology and bilingual stock market, which until then did not exist. Specific cross-border objectives of the project were: establishment of joint, bilingual web and mobile applications; online market for student research papers for companies; filling the database with the research tasks; promotional campaign to raise public awareness; transmission of results and experiences from the project out of the area and onto future target groups.

Project title

Empowering young researchers for industrial research and development by launching business support services resulting in the online exchange of student’s industrial research projects

ERDF funds 303,624.91 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

18.12.2013 – 17.6.2015
Lead partner Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra Ptuj
Partners Tehnološko inovacijski centar Međimurje d.o.o.

Zagorska razvojna agencija d.o.o.

TECES, Tehnološki center za električne stroje

Agencija za razvoj Varaždinske županije – AZRA d.o.o.

Razvojni center Murska Sobota

TehnoCenter UM d.o.o.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Centar za istraživanje, razvoj i transfer tehnologije

Regions involved SI: Podravska regija, Pomurska regija

CRO: Međimurska županija, Varaždinska županija, Grad Zagreb

Website /

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 online stock market of research tasks;

1 document for the transfer of knowledge – the way to the online stock market;

3.000 informed enterprises about the existence of online stock market;

100.000 students informed about the existence of online stock market;

5.071 researchers informed about the existence of online stock market.