Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the operation were: to strengthen the capacity of organizations working in the field of New Media Culture, which will be involved in cross-border cooperation and development in the future; increase the number of collaborative projects, cross-border events and mobility of artists and cultural exchanges in the field of new media culture; create the conditions and accelerate the development of cross-border cooperation by establishing an operating joint Agency for transdisciplinary and new media culture that will work on education, counseling, information and programs exchange. The Cross-border Agency for transdisciplinary and new media culture strengthened cross-border cooperation areas and it was the engine of development for the new media culture trough lobbying institutions, promotion, counseling, informing, networking and development of new projects. Slovenian and Croatian artists were working together during the residential programs. Outputs of the project were: a database of organizations and individuals active in the new media culture; 5 study visits to learn from examples of good practice in the EU; 5 three-day capacity building workshops; cross-border operation for a period of 7 days for all students of education; 10 festivals; establishment of the Agency for transdisciplinary and new media culture; a book on the history of new media culture in the northern border area with 4 book presentations; 4 transdisciplinary cross-border art residency programs for a period of three weeks each; 8 meetings with the institutions active in the culture field; 10 cooperative ad-hoc art interventions; web page in Croatian and Slovenian language; 28 press releases; an opening and a closing conference in Maribor, Slovenia and Čakovec, Croatia; a documentary about the project; and 200 DVDs.

Project title

Transdisciplinarity and new media culture in cross-border area development

ERDF funds

257.508,03 EUR

Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

01.04.2011 – 31.03.2013

Lead partner

Autonomni centar – ACT


Kulturno izobraževalno društvo Kibla

ONEJ – društvo prekmurske pobude

Udruga mladih Varaždinski underground klub

Regions involved

SI: Pomurska regija, Podravska regija

CRO: Međimurska županija, Varaždinska županija





Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

12 participants trained to work in local development;

Enriched cultural and educational offer through 32 events;

Strengthened capacities of all 4 partners.