Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the operation were: the development of common logo, promo material and mascot that has connected and raised awareness about the importance and value of common cross border natural and cultural heritage; a network of schools, children, young people and organizations that took part in creating new products that had presented heritage in creative and innovative way; educate young people to be able to see the heritage potential, and to be able to create new products that enabled creative and interesting learning and better acknowledgment of heritage; the design of 13 products (good and useful educative products) that educate through game and other innovative approaches about value and richness of heritage; to familiarize with cross-border heritage more than 300 children and youth, youth organizations and schools; to create two common (traditional) cultural events that have showed natural and cultural heritage of the area; to introduce schools and other educational institutions and organizations with new way of learning about heritage through new products. With 13 new products that have introduced natural and cultural heritage of the area we made influence on its revival, conservation and protection. Through all the project activities the area got familiar with diversity of heritage and craft of the area. We have added to sustainable development of cross border area and responsible handling with heritage. Project has influence on every aspect of identity in the area.

Project title Natural and cultural heritage through playing
ERDF funds 146,046.81 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

1.1.2004 – 17.6.2015

Lead partner

Razvojna agencija Kozjansko


Mreža udruga Zagor

Zagorska razvojna agencija d.o.o.

Regions involved

SL: Savinjska regija

HR:Krapinsko-zagorska županija

Website /

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

2 mascots of the project;

5 workshops;

13 new didactic toys;

2 two day long cultural events;

7 types of promotional material;

1 joined international event;

2 press conferences;

12 schools and 6 societies with 300 young people participated in the project;

12,000 inhabitants informed about their heritage