Project summary

The specific cross-borders objectives of the operation were: to improve and raise environmental awareness among polluters and inhabitants on the cross-border area; to inform target groups about the innovative products of PORETEKS project, which will reduce environmental risks: the creation of web and mobile applications for proper waste management, management of textile waste for re-use (fashion products) and recycling (insulating material) on the cross-border area; cross-border exchange of know-how in the field of reuse and recycling of waste textile products in connection with the implementation of Framework Directive on waste and cost effectiveness in the implementation of this directive, which Croatia will soon have to implement; transfer of cross-border results, experiences and practices developed in the project to other areas and areas of interest. This project has improved the financial, social and environmental status of the target groups, not only by reducing costs related to the generation and management of waste and cleaner and healthier living environment, but also offers new opportunities for the development of innovation, entrepreneurship, tourism and workplaces in rural areas. Products of textile waste may represent a new image of Slovenia and Croatia in the future, where the focus will be to use resources that would otherwise burden the environment, to develop local jobs, social entrepreneurship and to develop an environmentally responsible society, which will give advantage of reuse and recycling with its participation in the process of waste management. Currently, because of the recession, Slovenia and Croatia are faced with increasing unemployment, so people can find work in the segment re-use and recycling of textile products.

Project title Reuse and recycling of textile waste to the environmental protection in the cross-border area
ERDF funds 336,279.63 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

1.1.2014 – 17.6.2015

Lead partner

Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra Ptuj (ZRS Bistra Ptuj)


Okoljsko raziskovalni zavod (ORZ)
Javna razvojna agencija občine Ormož (JARA)
Javne službe Ptuj (JS Ptuj)
Razvojna agencija Grada Čakovca (ČAKRA)
Gradsko komunalno poduzeće ČAKOM (Čakom)
Varaždinska udruga za promicanje kulture i mode (Evolution)

Regions involved

SI: Podravska regija, Savinjska regija

HR: Međimurska županija, Varaždinska županija

Website /

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

2 web pages/mobile apps for management/reduction of the waste;

20 systematical implementations of waste and old textile collection for recycling on the cross-borders area;

3 workshops/144 hours of innovative fashion recycling of old textile, creation of reusable clothing and recycling of the leftovers.