Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the project were: the stimulation of young people towards deciding for an entrepreneurial career, with the help of informational workshops about entrepreneurship and cross-border cooperation, and with the help of computer application developed in the project ˝I am a small businessman – interactive simulation of turbulent entrepreneurial environment´; strengthening of entrepreneurial spirit among entrepreneurs and young people; additional education of entrepreneurs for a more successful cross-border cooperation in the areas which they need for a cross-border cooperation. Project has had a large social – economic influence on the entire cross-border project area. It has enabled establishment of cross-border cooperation among small and median companies, which consequently presented expansion of trade between the included countries and transfer of information and knowledge. With the realization of this project we expected establishments of new small and median companies and expansion of old ones in the cross-border area and consequently establishment of new work places. Without this project of cooperation we would not be able to perform joint cross-border activities and establish contacts among companies on the Slovene and Croatian side. We wish to draw entrepreneurs nearer to the young people and present them with the meaning of cross-border cooperation. The added values of using EU funds are shown in the development of supporting services of small and median companies (joint cross-border meetings, computer application ´´I am a small entrepreneur´´, on-line data base of entrepreneurs in the cross-border area, joint fair presentations, stock market for ideas, joint project web page…), which have lead towards improvement of business cooperation and assure a future joint development, knowledge transfer and information exchange among small and medial companies in the cross-border area.

Project title

Development of supporting services for the establishment of new small and median companies and business ideas in the cross-border area

ERDF funds 87,092.88 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

1.1.2014 – 17.3.2015

Lead partner

Ljudska univerza, Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo, Rogaška Slatina

Partners Območno obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Šmarje pri Jelšah

Razvojno informacijski center Slovenska Bistrica

Pučko otvoreno učilište Varaždin

VG Poduzetnički centar d.o.o. za razvoj i poticanje poduzetništva Velika Gorica

Pučko otvoreno učilište Krapina

Regions involved SI: Podravska, Savinjska regija

HR: Zagrebačka županija, Varaždinska županija, Krapinsko-zagorska županija

Website SI:


Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 application;

1 webpage with a database;

1 shared manual.