Project summary

Specific cross-border objectives of the project were: to create a website for public information on the assessment of the effectiveness of water management (with links to the websites of target groups); to conduct further research and analysis of existing data to identify potential threats and water resources in the river basin hinterland of parks Škocjanske jame and Risnjak; to investigate the transfer of good practice evaluation of sustainability of water resources (planned by the methodology of “Lemano” in the border area between France and Switzerland); to create an adjusted evaluation methodology; to conduct an evaluation of the sustainability of water resources management of caves in Škocjanske jame and Risnjak, and educate the public about the results of the evaluation; to provide the ability to transfer and make free use of this method for other areas; to make a plan of priority actions for the sustainable management of water resources (NP Risnjak, Škocjanske jame), and organize public lectures and tours for students from both sides of the border. National borders are not an obstacle for the underground flow of water in the unique karst aquifer of Snežnik and Risnjak. The cross-border importance of the project was an opportunity for a coherent assessment of the potential threats and water resources on both sides of the border. When it comes to water resources of transboundary character, in the legal and strategic planning national documents, there is a particular emphasis on the need for cross-border cooperation. It is important to note, that the Regional operational plan of Primorsko-goranska županija for the period of 2006-2013 also highlights the specificity of karst topography of the area, and that accordingly, its development is based on planning and integrated management of the wider area. With accompanying experiments they identified the characteristics of the cross-border flow of groundwater and assessment of possibilities of cross-border spread of contamination. Cross-border impact is manifested through joint public awareness, the use of common information technology, joint management of water resources and joint comparative analysis of parameters of water resources management. The project has helped to strengthen the cooperation between the operators of strategic water resources in the area of ​​research. With joint excursions, educational programs and publications, within the project, a higher level of public awareness on both sides of the border was achieved.

Project title

Common system for the evaluation of the sustainability of water resources management in the natural parks Škocjanske jame and Risnjak

ERDF funds 230,763.25 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

1.1.2014 – 17.6.2015
Lead partner Javni zavod Park Škocjanske jame
Partners Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU

Geološki zavod Slovenije

Nacionalni park Risnjak

Geotehnički fakultet – Sveučilište Zagreb

Grad Delnice

Regions involved SI: Primorsko-notranjska regija, Obalno-kraška regija

CRO: Primorsko-goranska županija

Website /

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 common cross-border comparative analysis of parameters of water management;

1 implementation of the accompanying experiment and assessment of vulnerability of observed water resources in the border region;

1 preliminary design of sewage for settlement Crni Lug;

1 speleological mapping of source of Kupa river;

1 field work for primary school pupils and students;

1 educational and promotional film;

300 participants in joint activities of education and training.