Project summary

The cross border objective was to create and implement a joint cross border system of management and resource sharing for entrepreneurs beginners in an unfavorable position in order to increase their global competitiveness on the Slovenian-Croatian and on other EU markets, which was accomplished by the following sub-targets: education and informing the target groups on how to increase their competitiveness with regard to the current scientific and technological trends; creating a joint strategy for products and services on the Slovenian-Croatian cross border market and on the EU markets; establishing of cross border export consortium, and promoting products and services of target groups as well as project results. Through the use of resources of Slovenian and Croatian partners and regions the project created the first international analysis of entrepreneurs’ beginner’s resources, their export strategy and the network of entrepreneurs with the aim to promote export (exportation consortium). The basic outputs of the project were: a report on the integrated analysis of developing resources of 100 entrepreneurs beginners in the cross border region; 100 shortened business plans; 7 seminars on exportation; 2 presentations of the best entrepreneurs export practices; a database of innovations and scientific researches, which are useful for the entrepreneurs beginners in the project; a catalogue of products/services in edition of 700 samples; a strategy of exportation for entrepreneurs beginners; 2 economy forums; exportation consortium (EC); a work rulebook of EC and export plan for its members; joint participation of project partners on an international fair; an investment study for the establishment of an entrepreneurs incubator for women entrepreneurs in Novo Mesto; promotive flyers in edition of 700 samples; 2 media conferences and 21 notifications on partners’ web pages.

Project title

Enhancing of entrepreneurs beginners global competitiveness

ERDF funds

364.901,26 EUR

Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

01.04.2011 – 30.09.2012

Lead partner

Regionalna razvojna agencija „Porin“ (Riječka razvojna agencija „Porin“)


Istarska razvojna agencija

Razvojna agencija Karlovačke županije

RRA Notranjsko-kraške (Primorsko-notranjske) regije

Regionalni razvoji center Koper

Razvojni center Novo mesto

Regionalna razvojna agencija Posavje

Regions involved

SI: Posavska regija, Jugovzhodna Slovenija, Primorsko-notranjska regija, Obalno-kraška regija

CRO: Primorsko-goranska županija, Istarska županija, Karlovačka županija



Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

Educated and informed 101 entrepreneurs;

102 business plans for entrepreneurs;

Conducted analysis of development resources for 123 entrepreneurs;

A base of 56 innovative projects of entrepreneurs;

2 economic forums.