Project summary

Specific cross-borders objectives of the project were: the identification of the innovation potential in companies and research institutions in the cross-border area; enhancement of cross-border connections between the companies with innovation potential and creating relationships in order to increase knowledge flow, improve cooperation among the economy, research and education institutions in the region; promotion of joint development ideas, assessment of their innovation potential and preparation of proposals for specific projects; preparing proposals for measures to enhance the growth of innovative companies – a set of recommendations for the public sector oriented towards the implementation of activities, that will systematically contribute to the knowledge transfer from the research into the entrepreneurship community in the project area; improvement of the business and technology cooperation between regions in the bordering area, and integration of the area into the international technology initiatives. The added value of the project was a recommendation to the relevant institutions of cross-border regions to encourage the growth of innovative enterprises, as well as “start-up” companies. Outputs of the project were: analysis of innovation potential; analysis summary publication; user friendly web application with a database and digital map of identified actors; joint methodology for performing screening meetings; screening meetings with identified companies and institutions; matchmaking meetings; educational workshops on financing possibilities for R&D projects; a proposal for measures to foster growth of innovative and start-up companies; a publication of the summary of proposed measures to foster growth of innovative and start-up companies; sector-specific seminars; capacity-building trainings for businessmen and researchers on business process management and product commercialization; professional conferences on topics related to the importance of cooperation between the economy and academia, as well as on importance of R&D and technology transfer in increasing competitiveness of the economy; a joint web page; a trilingual brochure about the project; bilingual leaflets about the project; a press conferences.

Project title

Creating a supportive environment for raising the innovation and technology potential in the bordering area

ERDF funds 540,699.80 EUR
Project duration

(month/year – month/year)

01.04.2011 – 31.03.2013
Lead partner Tehnološko-inovacijski centar Međimurje d.o.o.
Partners Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Bistra Ptuj

Zagorska razvojna agencija d.o.o. – ZARA

Tehnološki center za električne stroje – TECES

Agencija za razvoj Varaždinske županije d.o.o. – AZRA

Razvojni center Murska Sobota

TehnoCentar Univerze u Mariboru d.o.o.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Ured za transfer tehnologija TTO

Regions involved SI: Pomurska regija, Podravska regija

CRO: Međimurska županija, Varaždinska županija, Krapinsko-zagorska županija, Grad Zagreb

Website SI: http://www.sprint-ipa.org/index_si.aspx

CRO: http://www.sprint-ipa.org/index.aspx

Key results and performed activities (quantitative results; max. 3 – 5)

1 analysis of the innovation potential of companies and R&D institutions in the project area geared toward identification of the key actors in the program area;

26 project events;

2 sets of recommendations for encouraging innovative economy.