Manual on eligibility of expenditures

Here you can find corrected version of the Manual on eligibility of expenditures which was published on 17 February 2014.

It includes the following changes:
1. Programme logos were changed in the whole document.
2. In the name of the programme a reference to IPA was deleted. In the text a reference to ERDF was added to the reference to IPA (IPA/ERDF).
3. In footnote no. 6 the sentence was changed as follows: »Please note, that revenue should not be mistaken for profit. In addition, revenues apply only to the projects, co-financed within the first Call for Proposals.”.
4. In the first bullet point in the chapter 2.2 EXTERNAL SERVICE COSTS the following text is deleted: »for participants if relevant«.
5. In the second paragraph in the chapter Depreciation the following sentence is added: »The equipment must be purchased for the purpose of the operation during its implementation.«.
6. In footnote no. 15 a sentence is added and the footnote is stating the following: »Please note, that revenue should not be mistaken for profit. In addition, revenues apply only to the projects, co-financed within the first Call for Proposals.«
7. In chapter 3.3 PUBLIC PROCUREMENT changes in the 4th paragraph were made so it is stating the following: »For this programme all beneficiaries shall follow for the award of service, supply and work contracts, the procurement procedures the provisions of Chapter 3 of Part 2, Title IV of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 and Chapter 3 of Part 2, Title III of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002, as well as Commission Decision C (2007) 2034 on the rules and procedures applicable to service, supply and work contracts financed by the general budget of the European Communities for the purposes of cooperation with third countries, with the exclusion of the Section II.8.2.«
8. In line with the changes of PRAG rules the Table 1: Financial thresholds and the related procedures has changed.
9. In the 2nd paragraph in chapter 4. INDICATIVE LIST OF INELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE the text »for a contribution from the IPA« was deleted. Point e was changed and it is stating the following: »operating costs except where otherwise provided for under framework agreements with international organizations«.

Manual on Eligibility of Expenditures (483.6k)